Cute Outfits

5 Ways To Have The Best Monday Ever

Ah, the dreadful Monday blues.

Yes, ladies, I agree. Mondays are, by far, the saddest day in the entire week. But coincidentally, it is also the first day of our work week, which means that Monday should be the most refreshing and motivating day ever! But…no, it is not and I know you dread waking up on this day like I do.

But ladies, we can’t live like this forever, we have to do something to make our Mondays a beautiful start for the week. It should be the day we feel most inspired to work and get things done. When I realized that it was all about perspective, I changed my mindset and my Mondays has indeed become better days than before.

Let me share with you some tips on how to get rid of the Monday blues and instead, have the best Monday ever:

1. Have something to look forward to.

Check out 5 Ways To Have The Best Monday Ever at

Remember those days when you felt sad when Sunday has arrived because that only meant school day will start again the next day? It sucked and it’s the same feeling we get this time around too.

But, the thing that made me let go of this “dull and lifeless” feeling is expecting something the next day. Looking forward to something can really make you excited for Monday. It could be sharing a story with a colleague, submitting a report that you’ve worked really hard on or maybe, getting plenty of things done so you’d work less the entire week.

Don’t just think like “It’s Monday again and I have to work again.” Instead, think like “It’s Monday again and it’s time earn some cash, impress the boss, socialize with the co-workers and best of all, dress up for work again!” Now, doesn’t that make things more exciting?

2. Eat what you want.


One of the things that can really help motivate me get out of bed on Mondays is the thought of food. I know that most cheat days occur on weekdays, but for me, I’d like some “cheat day hangover” on Mondays too.

Whether you plan to eat out for lunch or bring your favorite food/snack with you, what matters is that your craving is satisfied and it will make you happier!

3. Be confident.

When you’re feeling the blues, it can affect your confidence, and thus, will also affect your mood. Change this by making Monday your “Confident Day of the Week.” How can you do that? Do your favorite looks (hair and makeup) and dress up for work, that’s a big confidence booster! If wearing heels make you feel sexier, wear them! Do whatever it takes to boost your confidence on a Monday and that will help you jump out of bed!

4. Achieve a goal.


I’ve mentioned earlier that we tend to feel uninspired to work during Mondays, but we have to change this! It’s the start of the week so it’s really the best day to be in high spirits. This is the best day to feel motivated, encouraged and inspired.

How can you do that though? Set a goal and aim to achieve that by the end of the day. It doesn’t always have to be work related, you can just tell yourself to finish work by 3pm so you can add more hours to your sleep that night. Getting more sleep is always a huge motivation for me to get things done.

5. Do what you love.


They say that to really enjoy work, you have to enjoy what to do. The sad reality is that not all of us have jobs that we really love (yes, we need the cash!). However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun after work right?

The way I see it, work is a responsibility and obligation. Once you’re done with it, you can do whatever it is you like and enjoy, may it be crocheting, doing a round at the shooting range or just simply lounging on your couch and watching your favorite TV show. At the end of the day, you should still have fun because really, that’s the only way to keep your sanity on Mondays and every single day for that matter.

I declare it here and now…Monday blues can be beat! Please try to follow these tips and try them with an open-mind. These tips really worked for me and I really believe that changing perspective is all it takes to change your Monday doldrums to Monday joy!

What do you do to cheer yourself up on Mondays? Let us know in the comments below!

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