Cute Outfits

The Best Hairstyles for Zodiac Signs

Are you getting a new hairdo soon? How about doing things differently now. Some people are getting a haircut based on their zodiac signs.

Kings and queens lived, dressed, and even coiffed their hair in sync with their astrologer’s charts. Check out what hairstyles best match for your zodiac sign!


A Perfect Match: Hairstyles and Zodiac Signs


ARIES (March 21 – April 20)

Check out The Best Hairstyles for Zodiac Signs at

People born under the star sign of Aries are mostly strong and dominant. They show determination, discipline, confidence, and adventurous spirit.

Flamboyant beach waves suit Aries personalities. Long bobs with fringes express their straightforward character as well. They are trendy and easy-to-style which best conform to the active lifestyle of Aries people.


TAURUS (April 21 – May 20)

Taurus people are sensual and passionate. Their confident demeanor makes them appear particularly attractive.

Trendy hairstyles suit the people born under the Taurus sign. An elegant retro wave would look great on her and express the passion.


GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)

A Gemini personality is curious and creative. Since Gemini persons need space to think for inspiration, any hairstyle with space on the forehead is perfect. A side-swept ‘do is on-point for Gemini’s fun and dynamic personality


CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

Cancer persons are fresh and always a sunshine that’s welcomed everywhere. They’re friendly and lovable. Soft and gentle waves would perfectly emphasize the femininity of a Cancer person.


LEO (July 23 – August 23)

Leos have a dominant personality. They are ambitious and optimistic. For hairstyles, wild mane and beehive suit Leo’s personalities. With Alice bands and bandanas, the over-all look would elicit extra attention.


VIRGO (August 24- September 23)

Virgo people are mostly perfectionists and they know where they’re headed. They love modern hairstyles. Shoulder-length with a perfect clean line will suit her best.


LIBRA (September 24 – October 23)

Sleek hair fits Libra perfectly. Libra people know what they want and wants to appear well-groomed. A classic haircut with the right proportions will suit the Libra character.


SCORPIO (October 24 – Nov.22)

People born under the star sign of Scorpio are remarkably passionate and confident. A glamorous short hair suits the uncompromising Scorpio personality. The pixie hair is a great choice.


SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21)

Tolerant and optimistic, Taurus people like traditional feminine cuts and colors. Try getting a short side-cut for your new hairdo.


CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20)

Capricorns are mostly responsible, appear withdrawn and not given to spontaneity. However, they are also one of the few people you can consider as a reliable friend. Capricorn loves hair partings and wears them in the middle, on the sides, high, and low.


AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19)

Aquarius are well-liked and very friendly. Plain hairstyle are not for Aquarius. They have to have long hair for maximum styling creativity. An exciting haircut like curls would be a great pick for her.


PISCES (February 20 – March 20)

Dreamy and charitable, Pisces persons prefer long and feminine hairstyles. Long and soft curls hairstyle is perfect for Pisces rather than straight lines and rigid structures.


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