Cute Outfits

10 DIY Movie-Inspired Makeup Tutorials for Halloween

Are you ready for the scariest DIY movie-inspired makeup looks for Halloween? I know I am! And I, too, can’t wait any longer for Halloween. Spook everyone out with these tutorials you should try now!

Halloween is one of those time in a year when a lot of makeup artists look forward to because of the many creative Halloween looks they can recreate. From ghosts and goblins to sweet and cute cartoon characters. However, I decided this feature will focus on DIY movie-inspired makeup tutorials from some of the most talented Makeup vloggers on Youtube and Instagram. I have to admit, I am in awe at how detailed and tedious the process is in a lot of these makeup transformation videos and I just can’t help but feel lucky that they all have the time and dedication to show us their beautiful work. So before you decide on which Halloween costume to wear, check out these scary alternatives.

10 DIY Movie-Inspired Makeup Tutorials for Halloween

This post was originally posted on Makeup Tutorials and shared with permission.

Ditch those cute sexy looks for these crazy, DIY movie-inspired makeup on fright night and scare the wits out of your friends and family. I know after this post is through, you would be the most frightening creature that would grace this year’s Halloween party. It’s safe to say, the Queen of The Damned Award is in the bag!


Warning: Spooky images ahead!


1.Billy the Puppet (Saw)

Billy The Puppet (Saw) | DIY Movie-Inspired Makeup Tutorials for Halloween
image via Madeyewlook

Billy the Puppet is a character from the movie Saw. Billy played a crucial role in the film while John Kramer used him to communicate with the test subjects. This is why everytime the test subjects see Billy, they know something bad is about happen and honestly, even if they don’t, just the look of Billy will scare the lights out of anyone. Want to get this look? Watch the tutorial below:


2. Witch (Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters)

image via Queenii Rozenblad

On a modern take on the classic tale of Hansel and Gretel, Witch Hunters was a story about Hansel and Gretel as bounty hunters. If you haven’t seen it yet, they hunted down witches. But mind you, these witches do not look anywhere near the witches in The Craft movie. Well, if I remember correctly, these fairytale stories have always had scary looking hags for witches, but this DIY movie-inspired makeup look shows you how to be a scary demon witch. Learn how to do this look here:


3. The Exorcist

image via Glam&Gore

If there is one movie that will really scare the bejesus out of anyone, that’s The Exorcist. Seriously, I don’t even know how some people can watch the Exorcist because I tried and I just can’t watch the whole movie through. Even this still image above would haunt me for weeks! Maybe I’ll have a better luck with this DIY movie-inspired makeup tutorial here:


4. Emily (The Corpse Bride)

image via dope2111

The Exorcist look was a bit tough to deal with so let’s take it down a notch with Emily from The Corpse Bride. She is an undead bride who claims that she is the supposed-to-be wife of Victor Van Dort. The look is creepy, but in a cartoonish sort of look which means I don’t have to deal with any life-like demon possessed creature in order to get me that Halloween costume award this year. If you want to try this look, just follow the steps in this video:


5. Annabelle (The Conjuring)

image via smashinbeauty

Annabelle is a doll from The Conjuring movie that is inhabited by an evil spirit. I don’t know why other people who’ve watched the film find it hilarious that Annabelle turned into an evil doll, but definitely for some, never would they look at dolls the same way again. If you want that same kind of reaction on Halloween, check out how it’s done on this video here:


6. Clown (The Poltergeist)

image via Madeyewlook

The Poltergeist from 1982 had a remake recently. And no thanks to better special effects now that clown in the movie has become scarier and creepier to the delight of horror movie fans. Personally, the thought of clowns creep me out and I think for Halloween it might just be my best gamble. Check out how you can create your own scary clown by watching this tutorial by madeyewlook:


7. Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad)

image via Glam&Gore

She may look cute and badass for a lot of people, but she made this list because she’s actually a really creepy person. Harley is Joker’s lover, which already tells you why she’s a scary person to deal with. Anyway, here’s a personal review about the movie. I think Harley is one of the best characters in Suicide Squad. Get the look from this video:


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