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The Empress | Tarot Card Reading

Are you enjoying the mysteries of Tarot Card Reading? In this article, we’ll get to know what The Empress has for you. Keep on reading and be in awe of its implication.

The Empress | Tarot Card Reading

What Does The Empress Tell You?

The Empress is the epitome of feminine supremacy. She is watery, hard to comprehend, secretive, sexual and fertile. She foretells a need to be connected and attached with our feminine side, prioritize our desires, and hear out our instincts. She can also be a representation of wealth and abundance.

Check out The Empress | Tarot Card Reading at

Under the bright, golden sky, within a lavish garden, she is seated on a throne of stone padded with extravagant cloth and cushions. The Empress sits on the height of sharing and giving the wealth and being precocious to think about others.

The Empress wears an elegant, graceful, white robe adorned with floral decorations. At the robe’s collar is a golden trim.

She lays one hand on her knee and slightly lifts the other hand to raise the golden scepter. This indicates the abundance of time to be wrapped up in the happiness of life and the pursuit of wishes and desires.

A crown of twelve stars rests on her flowing hair which is as gold as wheat. The crown depicts the twelve signs of the zodiac and her mastery of anyone under any sign, which may also, indicate a power of seduction.

A heart-shaped shield embellished with the symbol of planet Venus leans at the side of her throne. It is a metaphor of guarding and protecting herself using her beauty. Moreover, Venus is the goddess of love, beauty and art.

In front of the Empress is a wheat field. The wheat found on her feet points out that the basic necessities of life are taken care of.

Some Tarot decks exemplify the Empress holding a flower which represents an inclination for casual engagement with the particulars of life.

More so, if someone dares to break her heart, she would deflect the pain by looking for another knight in shining armor.


Here’s a Tarot Card Interpretation of PracticalTarotTutor about the Empress. Check this out:

Lastly, the things which most people fight over are not even a worry for the Empress. She can be wrapped up in a good life while other people are busy making a living.


Want to learn more about tarot cards? Check out this link.

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