Cute Outfits

5 Easy Full Body Workouts Plus Bonus Meal Plan of the Week

Stay sexy, healthy, and fit with these super-easy full body workouts. Do them individually or combine them for maximum burn and more awesome results!

5 No-Equipment Full Body Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

Did you know that women burn fats slower than men? Yup, that’s why these full body workouts are pretty useful. Our hormones, among others, make it way harder to maintain our weight! But don’t fret, ladies, because we can still build muscles and lose the belly fat. If that isn’t enough good news, we can do so at a less time with no equipment. Want some hints? Try these 5 full body workouts now!


1. Swimming

Swimming | 5 Easy Full Body Workouts Plus Bonus Meal Plan of the Week

If you don’t like the idea of working out – because, seriously, I’m not a huge fan either – all you have to do is to put on your swimsuit and goggles and head to the nearest pool or beach. Swimming is one of the best full body workouts out there! It builds the muscles in the arms and legs while strengthening your core (a.ka. abs). It also makes your limbs flexible and reduces injuries and pain to the joints. Studies show it can decrease your risk of preventable diseases including hypertension and cardiovascular disorders. If you have a back problem, swimming is the exercise to keep you fit and healthy. It is low-impact it is even recommended to moms-to-be!

Calories burned: approximately 500 per hour


2. Squats

Would you like a nice booty? How about saying bye-bye to cellulite? Then don’t forget to do squats, ladies. This extremely easy full body workout routine can develop the muscles of your legs, thighs, and calves, as well as your butt. Not only that, when done right, it can also strengthen your core. It is still low impact, so you don’t strain the back. In case you get bored, there are different variations to try! To make sure you can also exercise the arms, complement it with weights.

Calories burned: approximately 14.4 calories per minute!


3. Plank

One of my favorite full body workouts is planking. For one, it doesn’t force me to do anything else, meaning I just try to hold the position for as long as I could, and yet I get awesome results. Second, it has many benefits as it works the muscles of the back, abs, glutes, legs, and, depending on, the actual plank you’re doing, your arms. Mentally, it improves discipline and even helps reduce the signs of depression. Want to bet? The try this 28-day planking challenge! Once you’ve mastered planking, you can now proceed to push-up, which is a classic full-body workout, or even yoga postures like sun salutations.

Calories burned: approximately 180 calories per hour


4. Lunges

The lunges are a perfect full body workout for women who love shapely legs and behind. You can also do them along with lifts to sculpt the arms. You can even burn more calories when you include it in a plyometric (jumping) routine, which means you just don’t shift legs but jump each time you lunge.

Calories burned: 560 calories per hour


5. Burpees

Of all the full body workouts on the list, this is my least favorite because it’s EXHAUSTING! But when you binge on that decadent dessert and still want to look sultry this Valentine’s Day, you do what you have to do. After all, this exercise works out every damn muscle group in your body, from your arms to your chest, quads, abs, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

Calories burned: 563 calories per hour

Do you know the best weight loss is made up of 80 percent healthy diet and 20 percent exercise? Don’t just work out. Eat right! Here’s an awesome weekly meal plan you can try. It’s low carb to help you control your sugar but high protein to aid in muscle building. Interested to do paleo? Use the guide above as your reference and check out similar recipes right here.


Burn, baby, burn! Start your day with one of the quick full body workouts you can do anywhere! Follow the video below:

Can you already feel the burn? Are you excited to try them out? I guarantee if you’ll just be consistent with these full body workouts, you’ll help yourself lose weight, feel so much better, and be happier in no time. Plus, you’ve got the easy-to-follow no-starving diet plan you can do for the whole week to supplement your exercise. But – wait up! Make sure you get your doctor’s clearance before you try any of these. Don’t forget to follow the correct form to avoid injuries and make the most out of these routines.

Which are your favorite full body workout routines? Do you want me to add some more on the list? Let me know your thoughts! For more tips, learn the secrets on how to lose weight fast with exercise.


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