Cute Outfits

How to Slim Down Fast Just In Time For Your Valentine’s Day Date

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, ladies, and I know what you want: how to slim down fast in preparation for the big day! Don’t worry, I’m here to help you out with these 11 simple tips.

11 Ways On How to Slim Down Fast For Your V-Day Date

Dub-dub-dub-dub! That’s your heart beating now as we’re moving closer to February 14 a.k.a. Valentine’s Day. You have your makeup look ready, your nails done, and even your date plans. There’s only one thing left: your weight. Girls, please know you are beautiful whatever your weight is, but if you want to drop a few pounds, I’ve got tips on how to slim down fast. Although I am not promising miracles, these 11 easy and simple ways can count toward your weight loss goals. By the time Valentine’s Day is here, you are more likely noticeably slimmer. Are you game?


1. Eat soups

Soups are filling, and they prevent you from gorging on too much meat and sweets. They also let you eat your veggies. And if you’re a girl boss, you’ll find these meals to be easy to prepare and reheat. For the healthiest soups, check out these home-made recipes.

Check out How to Slim Down Fast Just In Time For Your Valentine's Day Date at

2. Skip the salt

Salt adds life to your dishes, but a lot of people don’t have a basic idea how much salt (or sodium) they need to have. According to the American Heart Association, you should never consume more than a teaspoon each day. Moreover, salt can increase water retention, which makes you look and feel bloated, as well as adds to your weight.

How do you cut back on salt? One, avoid eating processed food. Second, just skip the salt. If you are looking for a substitute, liquid aminos works fine. You can also try enhancing the flavor with other spices and herbs that are good for weightloss like cinnamon and cayenne pepper.

3. Swim

Calories are relative since they depend on many factors such as weight, age, metabolism, etc. But when you want to burn huge numbers, swimming is one of the best exercises out there (plus you can wear these sexy swimsuits!). Whether you go slow or fast, you can burn as much as 400 calories!


4. Beat the stress

Stress doesn’t just make you look old come Valentine’s Day, it also makes you gain weight. When your body is stressed, it releases hormones like insulin and cortisol, which can disrupt your weight loss goals. Spend at least an hour doing this to kick your stress goodbye.


5. Detox

There are countless ways detox can help you on how to slim down fast including reducing chronic inflammation, regulating your metabolism, and preventing bloating. It can help reset your taste buds (bye-bye, cravings!) and is definitely a healthier way to quench your thirst. Just look at these delicious fruit-infused water recipes!


6. Get lots of sleep

If you’ve been dieting and exercising and still not losing a pound, it’s time to check your sleeping habits. Lack of sleep reduces your brain’s ability to control impulse, so you end up binging on your midnight snack while watching a Netflix comedy.

7. Change your plate

A lot of things including your diet are all in the mind. If you want to know how to slim down fast, change your plate to something smaller. This way, you avoid the urge to fill your plate with more food. You can also change the color to green to trick your brain into eating more veggies. Cool, huh?


8. Avoid sugars

To be clear, your body needs sugar. How else can you function without a source of energy? But with the kind of diet we have, well, we’re eating a lot of it! Excess sugar is stored in the body as fat in case of “emergency” like when you’re trapped in an island and can’t eat enough food for a while (just kidding!). So the more you eat sugar, and the lesser you move, the more fat accumulates in your body. Besides, quitting sugar NOW helps you control your cravings in the future.

Try this hack: Quitting sugar is HARD. To start easing yourself from this addiction, substitute fructose and other types of table sugar with honey. You can also get natural sugars from fruits.

9. Drink lots of water

Our body is composed of more than 70 percent water, so it makes perfect sense to drink lots of it. On the upside, water makes you feel full, so you avoid eating too much during meals. When you feel hungry, try drinking water as well. There’s a good chance you’re just thirsty.


10. Hang your Valentine’s Day dress

Need some inspiration? Hang your Valentine’s Day dress where you can see it anytime! If you like, wear it every single day to know if you’re making progress.

11. Pursue a hobby

Love to eat? Perhaps it’s time to stop making it a hobby and pursue something else. Learn a new skill. You’ll be surprised on how a new interest can keep your mind away from food.


Craving for more ideas on how to slim down fast? Tada! From limiting your alcohol intake to drinking six ice-cold cups of water each day, get all the deets here!

Aren’t these tips on how to slim down fast just practical? They’re small changes, so they’re easy to add to your regular routine. Thus, there’s a higher chance you can sustain this for at least the next few months. More lost weight for you! Woohoo! But please never forget, make healthier choices but don’t starve yourself. It’s still important you’ll find your weight loss journey fulfilling and meaningful.

Pair your gorgeous Valentine’s Day dress with the equally beautiful Kendra nude heels from Mason and Ivy!

Do you have some tips on how to slim down fast? Surely, other ladies would like to hear them so leave your comments below! A fitness junkie? Here are cool tips to lose weight fast with exercise!

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