Cute Outfits

Celebrate National Sisters Day With These Fun Youtube Yoga Challenges

It’s National Sisters Day! What better way to show your trust and love for each other than by doing a fun yoga YouTube challenge. Find out some moves you can try here.

I am so excited for this day! Why, it’s National Sisters Day! It’s one of those times that remind us how blessed we are to have an instant best friend we can love, trust, and care for the rest of our life.

Celebrate National Sisters Day With These Fun Youtube Yoga Challenges

5 Fun Yoga Poses You Can Laugh Off And Share In YouTube

To cap the day – and make sure you never forget it  – why not challenge each other with these beautiful yoga poses you can do and share on YouTube? Are you ready? Then let’s begin!

Check out Celebrate National Sisters Day With These Fun Youtube Yoga Challenges at

1. Boat Pose

Here’s something easy. It’s called the Boat Pose. Facing each other, both of you will raise your legs, making sure the soles touch while you hold hands to keep yourselves balanced. Hold for at least 30 seconds.

2. Double Standing Forward Bend

Done with the first move? Good. Then proceed with the Double Standing Forward Bend. Now this can be a challenge when both of you are of different height and reach, but hey, that’s the goal, right, to give you something hard to try? Stand tall then slowly bend your back forward until your head almost touches the knee. Then reach out for the arm of your partner. Hold for 30 seconds.

3. Double Plank

This is going to be hard, especially if you don’t like planking. But this is a great exercise as it engages a lot of your muscles and encourages trust. The person at the bottom does the planking first while the second climbs on the back and do the same. Hold for as long as you can.

4. Back Bends

There are so many ways to do back bends, so figure out which one you feel comfortable performing. I prefer this one, though, because it’s so good for the spine, and you’ve got some solid back support from your sibling. Don’t forget to switch roles so both of you can try the back bend.

5. Super Yogi

One of the complicated yoga poses you can do for National Sisters Day, this is a good introduction to acro yoga. Sibling A lies on the back and raises the legs while sibling B “rides” on the legs, lifting her legs as high as she can.


Ready to show off your sibling yoga skills to the world? For more yoga poses to do this National Siblings Day, here’s a YouTube video from Nina and Randa:

You can perform the sibling yoga YouTube challenge at home, but since it’s summer, you might want to try them outdoors instead.
I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with! Share your National Sisters Day YouTube videos in the Comments section. Don’t forget to try relaxing yoga as well to cool down.


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Featured image via yogaglo

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