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Numerology | Learn How to Count Your Name Number

Every name in this world has a meaning, a number and a frequency. Moreover, the sound effect of a name creates certain patterns, meaning and assumption. As you begin to read this, do you have any idea about  your name number?

Numerology | Learn How to Count Your Name Number

Learn to Calculate your Name

Numerology from the name itself is a study of numbers and its implications to human existence. There are instances that numbers are used to identify a person’s character – from his weakest points up to his potentials and capabilities.

Going back to its roots, numerology is associated with different ancient civilizations in the world but no conclusion has been made to where it really came from. The personality, desire and thought-process of a person are determined by his/her First Name.

On the other hand, personal traits and hereditary influence from the family are indicated by the Surname. Your Full Name, the combination of the first name and surname, creates the destiny and the essential one to note for taking the meaning of names.

The numerology name number defines what your life could be. It determines the type of people you appeal to and the character of the person connected to you. It also indicates the nature of the experience you overcome, the chances and fears that come your way and the kind of life you spend.

However, numerology numbers from your name and birth date can be different. Your Birth number is preferred rather than your Name number. Faced with the reality that your birth number is uncontrollable, it is wise in numerology to choose a name that is in accordance with your birth name except for birth number 4 and 8.

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Your Name Number

The most prevalent numerology method in the western world is developed by Pythagoras. He is a well-known mathematician and philosopher who said that the universe is ruled and described by numbers.

In the Pythagorean system, numbers were assigned to each letter in the alphabet. The conversion can be done quickly by using the table as your reference.

  1. Write Your Name

This is needed to know your true name number. Include your middle name if you have one. You can also use nicknames, however, it will not guarantee you a complete and accurate result.

  1. Match Each Letter with its Numerical Value

Since each letter has a corresponding number, you can start placing numbers under each letter of your name. For example, your name is Michael John Ross, all IRs will have 9 under them, all CLs will have 3 beneath and all AJSs will get 1 and so on until all letters have numbers written.

  1. Add Them Up

So here’s where mathematical skills come in. Using a pen and paper or a calculator, add every single digit of your name. You will come up with a two-digit sum after adding them all. For our example, Michael John Ross has 15 letters so we will add 15 individual numbers together. 4+9+3+8+1+5+3+1+6+8+5+9+6+1+1=70

  1. Reduce the Sum Into a Single Number

After adding all the numbers of your name, you’re now left with a two-digit (or three-digit for long names) sum. To reduce it, just use simple addition. Using our example, 7 and 0, we just add it, 7+0=7 and we got 7. Michael’s true name number is 7. However, if after you add all the numbers of your name and you got 11, 22, or 33, do not reduce them for they are called as Master Numbers. These three Master Numbers have their own character meanings. They can add trouble but also complexity to the personality you are finding out or the subject of numerology you are studying.

  1. The Basic Numbers of Numerology

Now that you have your name number, you can now refer to the numerology chart to know more about yourself. Being aware of your number sign can somehow enlighten you with your character and disposition.


  1. Know Your Fate, Soul and Personality Name Number

Name numbers are acknowledged by other names like life path number. Some variations can also tell your soul’s inner yearnings so as your ‘hidden’ dreams.


  1. Changes Matter

If you are displeased with your name number results or you don’t like your name itself, change is always an option. You may have that feeling that you want to be called something that is the best match for your diverse personality. You can start by changing your nickname. A remark with names is that many are spelled uniquely by adding extra characters to make the name number numerologically appropriate. This is well-observed in movies nowadays. Legal matters of changing may take some time but if you’re really decided, you can pursue it. Name changing comes with consequences in life so if you are seeing yourself for a name change, better consult a legitimate astrologer for suggestions after considering your birth chart and numbers.

Do you want to understand your personal numerology more? Check out this video from expertvillage:

Were you able to solve and find out your name number? Does it reflect who you are? Try out other names from your friends and family members. This might interest them, too! Happy solving!

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