Cute Outfits

Simple Perfect Red Lips Tutorial

We know you’re already darn close to perfect, but are you looking for an easy way to be even more beautiful? Nailing the perfect lipstick look is one of the best places to start. This quick, simple, and very effective beauty tutorial will give you all the skills you need to hone your lips to perfection, whether you’re prepping for a big date, a fancy night on the town, or just looking to get a little luscious.

Simple Perfect Red Lips Tutorial

Supplies you will need to get perfect red lips:

Step 1: Cover in foundation

Using the cosmetic sponge, cover your lips in a thin coat of foundation that is equal to, or slightly lighter than your skin tone. This will ensure color vibrancy by covering the lips natural blush, and make the lipstick last longer. Use a cream foundation for best results. Liquid foundation will mix with your lipstick and lighten the lipstick. A THIN amount is the trick! The foundation is to fill in the fine lines so your lipstick doesn’t settle, too much will

Step 2: Palette it out

For both eyeshadow and lipstick, we prefer palettes. They take up less room than the individual containers, typically offer a wide variety of colors, and often are less expensive than individuals. Lip and eyeshadow palettes are offered by many makeup brands and price ranges. Scoop out a small amount of lipstick onto the wax paper.

Step 3: Aim for Cupid

Using a small lip brush, apply lipstick starting at the cupids bow of the lip. We prefer to scoop out the lipstick and apply with a brush to insure crisp lines, which can be harder to create with simply applying from the tube. Another advantage of scooping out the lipstick is it keeps your lipstick sanitary and ready to share with friends or family.

Step 4: Start in the outer corner

Using one smooth stroke, apply lipstick from the outer corner of your mouth to the center of the lip, paying special attention to create symmetry  on both sides. Start with loading a small amount onto the brush; too much lipstick will run into the crack at the corners of the lips and leave you looking like the Joker. Apply two coats if needed to create opacity.
Pay attention to symmetry.

Step 5 (Optional): Go matte

To create a matte lip, double over a tissue and blot the lips to remove excess color. This will leave a stain of color over the lips, yet remove the excess oil from the lipstick which will heat with your body temperature and begin to move as the day  goes on.
Remove excess color.

Step 6 (Optional): The power of translucent dusting!

Taking a tissue, divide it so it is only one-ply. Place over the lips and lightly dust over the tissue with translucent powder using your blush brush. This will deposit a small amount over powder over the lips to dry the oil in the lipstick and give you staying power. Do not apply the powder directly to the lips, or you will be left looking dusty. You want just enough to mattify the lip.

And there you have it. Perfect red lips that will stop a crowd. Be sure and send us pics of you rocking your ruby reds (or blues, or whatevs). We’d love to see them!

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