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15 Fun Ways to Spend Valentine’s Day If You’re Single


Sometimes it can seem like the only Valentine’s Day plans for singles involve burning your ex’s stuff or even worse – drunk dialling him. But what if you don’t want to spend your Valentine’s Day feeling sad (and a little bitter)?

The truth is, being single is pretty awesome. You can do whatever you want. You get the whole bed to yourself, and you don’t have to share your delicious Chinese take-out with anyone. This Valentine’s Day, you can celebrate love in general – love for your friends and family, love for your pet, and yes, love for yourself.

Check out 15 fun ways you can spend Valentine’s Day if you’re single:

1. Treat yourself

Spend Valentine’s Day treating one of your favourite people – yourself. I was single for the best Valentine’s Day I ever had; I travelled into London and spent the day shopping, followed by dinner in a comedy club. Perfect!

Take the afternoon off work (if you can), get a mani-pedi, or just chill out at home with your favorite movie and some takeout. You deserve it!

2. Go on a bestie date

Being single doesn’t mean being alone! Ring up your best friend and go wherever you want. A local restaurant, your favorite bar, the mall, wherever you want. It is a guaranteed fun night, and you get to show your bestie how much you appreciate them.

3. Go out of town

Is there anywhere that you have always wanted to visit? From a nearby city to somewhere exotic and sunny, Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to take a trip – but avoid Paris and Rome unless you don’t mind being surrounded by couples.

4. Do a friend a favor 

Think of someone who you know who is going through a tough time. They could have recently gone through a break-up, lost their job, or received other bad news. Think of a surprise you could do to make them smile, like going to their house for a catch-up with some of their favorite snacks. Seeing their smile will make your day.

5. Go on a spa day

Pamper yourself this Valentine’s Day by spending it at a spa. Treat yourself to a luxurious back massage, sweat it out in the sauna and enjoy a long swim. Afterwards you will feel great – and you’ll look even better.

6. Make a stranger’s day 

If you have nothing planned for Valentine’s Day, volunteering is a great option. You will make lots of other people happy, which will leave you feeling amazing.

7. Dance 

Whether you are in the privacy of your bedroom or in a busy nightclub, dancing is one of the most fun ways to let loose. Put on some Shakira and get your body shaking!

8. Cook a delicious meal

If you don’t have much money, cooking a meal with your friends is the perfect way to spend Valentine’s Day. Ask each friend to bring wine or ingredients to cut down on costs.

9. Throw a single’s party 

Round up all of your single friends for a party at your place! If you want to mix it up, set a theme for the party, like ‘superheroes’ or ‘pink’. Create a playlist, set out snacks and drinks, and prepare for an awesome night with your friends.

10. Spend time with your family

Spend your Valentine’s Day with some of the people who you know will be in your life forever. If you have young relatives, consider taking them to a movie or out for food – everyone loves the cool aunt.

11. Play Secret Cupid

Gather up your single friends for a Secret Cupid and use the money you didn’t spend on flowers and chocolate to treat one of your friends. Write each other’s names on a piece of paper, put them into a bowl and pick a name out. Remember to set a budget so everyone is on the same page!

12. Go to a comedy show 

If you want to have a fun Valentine’s Day, consider checking out a local comedy show in your city. It is a guaranteed laugh!

13. Try something new 

Fall in love with something new this Valentine’s Day. From trying a yoga class to buying a cookbook, there are lots of different passions that you could discover.

14. Stay at home 

For some people, leaving the house on Valentine’s Day can feel like a nightmare. If you want to avoid lovesick couples and long lines, spend your night at home with Netflix and some chocolate(s). Bliss.

15. Volunteer at an animal shelter 

This year make your Valentine’s date an animal. Volunteer at your local shelter – walking a dog or giving one a bath will put a huge smile on your face. Real love is a puppy or kitten licking your face!

What are your plans for Valentine’s Day? Let us know in the comments below!

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