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Things I Wish I Knew Before Having Kids

Newly married couples wait for the right time or for when they’re “ready” to actually have kids. But the funny thing is, no parent is ever truly ready for what’s about to come. You think you know enough because you’ve been reading books, online articles, watching videos and talking to your parent friends. But once your baby arrives, it’s as if you don’t know a thing about caring for a little infant.

Nonetheless, don’t fear. You’ll eventually get the hang of it. Although, do be warned that life will change for you and your partner. There are some days that will get really crazy and make you want to pull your hair out. But on most days, it’s a fulfilling and happy experience!

If you’re someone who has a newborn or is already a parent, I’m sure you can relate to this post. If you’re still contemplating on having a child, this post should give you an idea of what’s to come. Here are some things I wish I had known before having kids.

1. You’re not going to get enough sleep anymore. Like, ever.

Check out Things I Wish I Knew Before Having Kids at

Yes, 8 hours of sleep will be a rare commodity. And it will get to the point where you would highly appreciate a 30-minute nap. The eye bags are coming!!!

2. Babies are moodier than you.

It can get crazy figuring out what they want and need on an hourly basis. Scrap that, even on a minute by minute basis. They’ll be so happy one moment and crying their hearts out the next. You’ll be playing detective, psychologist, and doctor all at the same time.

3. Having babies can get really expensive.

This is why many married couples wait until they’re financially ready to have a baby. The cost of diapers alone will make you want to cry.

4. Your short-term memory won’t be as great as it once was.

For some reason, mothers tend to lose their short-term memory after giving birth. Some say it could be because of the anesthesia during labor. Make it a point to list down everything so you won’t forget anything important.

5. Eating out will become a chore.

Remember the good old days when you could simply eat out and enjoy the sumptuous meal in front of you without any distractions? Say goodbye to that. Once you have kids with you, eating out is a whole new ordeal. Even those errands that you used to do in minutes will now take closer to an hour. You must learn to practice time management.

6. You don’t need tons of baby stuff.

Shopping for baby clothes and gear can get out of hand. You want to make sure that you have everything and yet, once the baby arrives, you’ll immediately notice that you have no use for all that baby stuff. When the time comes that your baby easily gets bored with toys and rockers, you’ll find yourself buying more and more stuff again to keep your baby entertained. Watch out for this as this can be a nasty spending cycle.

7. Your child will want your full attention.

As parents, you want to give your child everything you can. But the truth is, your baby needs your full undivided attention. You may think that they’re just babies and couldn’t care less whether your playing a game while watching over them. Take a closer look and you’ll notice how many times your baby keeps looking at you to check if you’re looking at him/her. Don’t be selfish with your time and attention, they’re only babies once.

8. They grow up so fast.

Time flies so fast in your baby’s first year. Cherish every moment because after that first year, your baby will grow up fast…too fast.

9. You’ll become a more sensitive and understanding person.

This is true ladies. Being a mom will make you a glass case of emotions and that has something to do with being more in touch with your inner self. You’ll relate to what you’re baby is going through more. And while this emotional attachment is great, just watch out about being oversensitive (it does happen!).

10. Life will never be the same again.

Yes darling, life will not be the same again and so will you. However, this change is a good one and a change that will bring out the best in you. Think about it, you’ve brought a little baby into this world and you are now in charge of nurturing, caring for, and guiding this little one. Isn’t that what life should be about?

Parenting involves sacrifices and hard work. It will really test your patience and your sanity! But there’s no question that you will pull through with flying colors. Your love for your little one and the mere sight of your little angel will bring out that unrelenting drive in you to get through the day with a smile and a heart full of love.

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