Cute Outfits

20 Ways To Keep Your Relationship Happy

Here's an alternative to Princess Kate's second outfit.

Whether they are 16 or 60, you can always tell when you see a happy couple. Here are 20 ways to be that happy couple. 

Make Your Relationship A Healthy One

Whether they are 16 or 60, you can always tell when you see a happy couple. You can see how much they love and respect each other, and their happiness just radiates out around them.

But why are some relationships so happy while others are so stressful? The truth is that all relationships are hard to maintain, but by doing the right things every day anyone can make sure that they have a happy, healthy relationship.

Check out 20 things you can do to make sure your relationship is a happy one.

1. Respect your partner’s opinions

Every relationship will have disagreements, and that is totally normal and healthy. However, it isn’t healthy to look down on your partner or judge them for their opinions. Remember that you love everything about your partner, including their opinions – even if they think that American Horror Story is cheesy.

Check out 20 Ways To Keep Your Relationship Happy at

2. Switch off technology and be with your partner

We live in a world that is obsessed with technology, and sometimes this can get in the way of our relationships. Disconnecting from your mobile, laptop and TV gives you and your partner the chance to talk about your days and have a giggle together.

3. Communicate openly with each other

Happy couples can express all emotions to each other without fear of judgement, including any negative emotions. They realize that the emotions will come out eventually, and that it is unhealthy to bottle things up.

4. Tell your friends about how great your partner is

Many people go to their friends for advice during hard times in a relationship, but it is important to chat to your friends about the good times too. The habit of saying positive and happy things about your partner will help you to appreciate all of the great things about them.

5. Clean together

Cleaning is normally a dull chore, but it is always much more fun if you and your partner put on some music and clean together. An added bonus is that this also means there will be no more fights about who does the most cleaning!

6. Be physically intimate with each other every day

This isn’t about sex; holding hands, hugging and kissing are all just as important. Remembering to hug or kiss your partner every day will make your partner feel loved, and it will help to maintain the bond between the pair of you.

7. Make daily small gestures to show your partner that you care

From making their coffee in the morning to giving them a back massage, there are many easy ways to show your partner that you care about them. Doing just one thing like this every day will make your partner feel appreciated and cared for.

8. Be grateful

It is important that both people in a relationship appreciate everything the other does for them. Without this, both partners could end up feeling misunderstood and under-appreciated.

9. Laugh together

If you and your partner have had a tough day, try watching some funny cat videos on Youtube with your partner. Laughing together will help to strengthen your bond and help you to appreciate each other.

10. Grow your common interests together

You may not love watching soccer, and your partner probably doesn’t like watching New Girl, but there are certain things you will both love. Discover these things and experience them together.

11. Switch roles for the day

This is a fun way to keep your relationship fresh. If you always do the driving and your partner always cooks, switch it up for the day to see things from your partner’s perspective. This will make you both appreciate the things you do for each other.

12. Spend time with other people

People in healthy relationships enjoy spending time apart, enjoying their own company and seeing friends and loved ones. No space is normally a sign of dependency or possessiveness.

13. Be polite and respectful

Even if you and your partner have been together for decades, manners are still super important. Saying please and thank you to your partner shows respect – and it is likely they are the person who is most likely to help you out.

14. Schedule alone time

Alone time gives a couple the chance to be open with each other and intimate. It doesn’t matter when you have alone time – what matters is that you both make the effort to spend time alone together.

15. Give your partner the benefit of the doubt

If your partner is late or not contacting you, don’t jump to the worst conclusion. Always hear them out before you form an opinion.

16. Think when you fight

If someone is feeling tired, emotional or stressed, they are more likely to start a fight without validation. This happens frequently in relationships because partners tend to take their moods out on each other. Always ask yourself these questions when a fight starts; Have I had a terrible day today? Has my partner had a terrible day today?

17. Ask your partner how their day went

It only takes a second to ask your partner about their day, but it starts a fresh conversation and shows them that you care about their life and interests.

18. Ask your partner how you can help

If your partner seems to be struggling, ask how you can help. Sometimes everyone needs help, but they don’t want to ask others – this shows your partner that you care and that you want to help them.

19. Make an effort to get along with your partner’s family and friends

Happy couples understand how important friends are, and they make an effort to get along with their partner’s friends.

20. They plan a future together

This doesn’t have to be sitting down with a calendar and arranging a wedding date – it can simply be discussing a possible day-trip in the summer. In a happy relationship both partners think there is a possibility of a future together.

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