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8 Reasons To Travel Before It’s Too Late

Life’s too short to always stand where you are. In short, there so many reasons to travel to places! You’re young, you’re fabulous and your will power cannot be undermined. Girl, this is best time to travel and in this article, I’ll tell you the best reasons to travel.

Let’s be honest here. Not everyone is fond of traveling. It could be the lack of interest in going elsewhere because you’re just too comfortable where you are. It could be a money issue because you believe spending money on trips is just not worth it. Or perhaps, you’re just too boxed in and going out of that box scares you? Girl, things are about to change…and it’s going to change for the better.

8 Reasons To Travel Before It’s Too Late

I’m sure you’ve heard the slang term YOLO and that’s one of the best reasons to travel. Yes, it may be an overused term but there’s truth to it. You only live once and no one can argue with that. So today, I want you to embody this term and really let it sink in. You will only live once, would you want to stay at the same old place throughout your life? Probably not –and this is why this is the PERFECT time to bring out the explorer in you, pack your bags and see the world! Here are some other reasons to travel now before it’s too late:


1. Get A New Perspective

Check out 8 Reasons To Travel Before It's Too Late at

Change is good. Gaining a new perspective is always good. When we’re so used to doing the things we usually do, our perspective remains the same. Nothing can challenge your point of view. However, when you travel to other places, simply seeing a different culture and lifestyle proves that there’s so much more to what you think you know. It’s healthy for your mind and your soul.


2. Relate to Other Culture and People

One of the most enjoyable parts of traveling, at least for me, is meeting new people and learning a totally different culture from what I grew up to know. Apart from being amazed, there’s beauty in acceptance. There’s courage in accepting a person totally different from your friends and family. And for me, this is what humanity is all about–learning to love and accept one another.


3. Welcome New Challenges

When we travel, there’s always that notion that you have to make the most out of your trip. One of the best ways to push your boundaries during your travels is to take on new challenges. Go bungee jumping, sky diving, or trekking into a mountain, whatever rocks your boat. The important thing here is that you willingly push yourself to welcome challenges and overcome them.


4. Promote Healing

Life can really do a number on you and traveling is a good way to let everything out. I’ve always loved Julia Robert’s movie “Eat, Pray, and Love.” I’m not sure if you’ve watched it (if you haven’t, please do), but it was about a journey to healing that she surprisingly found in a really far away place. When you begin to see the beauty of the world, your heart heals. And with healing comes releasing pent up feelings, stress, and eventually, regaining enthusiasm in life again.


5. Become A Kid Again

When we were kids, we wanted to grow up so fast. Now that we’re adults, we miss being carefree children. When you travel, it’s like becoming a kid again. Everything’s new to you. Trying a native delicacy in Thailand can feel like tasting broccoli for the first time when you were two (not that you’d remember but you get me, right?). Curiosity is a beautiful thing!


6. Know that It’s Not All About You

Oftentimes, we get too stuck up with our own lives and all we think about is me, me, me! I wouldn’t blame you, it’s hard not to especially if we live the same life every day. This is also the exact reason why traveling can make you realize that it’s not just about you… that there’s more to life out there that you probably don’t even know about yet. It’s a self-awakening that can really do you good and perhaps, help you grow into a better person as well.


7. Say Bye Comfort Zone

You’ve probably told yourself a couple of times that “Yeah, I think I should get out of my comfort zone more often but it’s just what I’m used to doing.” Admittedly, this applies to all of us. Our comfort zone is a really comfortable place we liked to be shielded in but it’s not really good if we stay here long. You cannot keep yourself in a box because girl, there’s so many things out there waiting for you!


8. Enjoy Yourself

Enjoy yourself. It’s that simple ladies. And when I say enjoy yourself, it’s not just about going on adventures, taking on new challenges, and savoring new cuisine and what-not–it’s about getting some special “me-time.” Look into your inner self, reflect, realize and at the end of the day, make sure that you got to know yourself more and show how much you love and value yourself too.

Don’t forget your makeup! Learn from Youtuber Danielle Mansutti how you can pack your makeup travel bag essentials:

Before I go, I just want to end this piece saying that one of the ultimate reasons to travel is–there’s so much growth in it. Our mind, heart, and soul heal in ways that we can never expect. For some, it’s therapeutic. But for me, it’s more of embracing humility and humanity and I hope that inspires you.

Start now ladies! Let your heart take you where it wants to go and book a trip. And of course, look gorgeous out there too! Have fun!

Want to know the best places to go? Check this out!

Where should you travel according to your zodiac sign? Read this!

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