Cute Outfits

8 Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin We Wish We Knew Earlier

Trying out some beauty tips for glowing skin? We’ve got you covered with these amazingly brilliant and easy tricks to keep your skin glowing throughout the day.

Keeping a healthy skin is not as simple as ABC, especially for women. Personally, aside from my makeup collection, I am also fond of hoarding skin care products. From body scrubs, face creams, moisturizers, and even face masks — yes, I got a stash of ’em and I can’t help it!

However, after trying a lot of skincare remedies, I realized that the better way to get glowing skin is to start from the basics. There’s definitely more layers waiting to be pampered too aside from the epidermis, right? And there’s no assurance that all the creams and scrubs that I’ve been using goes beyond the top skin.

8 Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin You Should Commit To Starting Today

Let me share these beauty tips for glowing skin that I’ve been trying out for weeks now. Some of them may require a change in lifestyle, a switch to organic products, or an addition to your meal plan. At first, it may appear to be overwhelming and hard to make it a habit, but if you’ll look forward to its result, you’ll never regret doing it.

If there are things that I wish I knew (and learned) earlier aside from makeup hacks and techniques, it would be tips and tricks for a flawless and glowing skin. It actually took me years to realize this but finally, they’ve crossed my skin care journey. So, here are some beauty tips that will change your life (for the better) and your skin too!


1. Drink Tomato juice

Drink Tomato juice | 8 Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin We Wish We Knew Earlier

There’s actually a lot of detox juices and recipes available almost everywhere but a glass of tomato juice should not be missed! Aside from being a powerful antioxidant, the lycopene in it also leads to the reduction of cardiovascular diseases. This healthy red drink also prevents tanning and discoloration of the skin, helps in treating acne, minimizes pores, and controls oil secretion.


2. Always remove your makeup

I consider this a Golden Rule, especially to all women who apply makeup daily. Whether it’s a full or light coverage, it’s important to remove everything and cleanse your face before going to bed. Aside from the irritation that these cosmetics might cause your face, these products can also clog your pores. That may lead to unwanted blemishes and pimples. If you run out of makeup remover, a few drops of olive oil on a cotton pad can be your natural alternative.


3. Long Steamy Shower is a No-no!

Taking a bath is a form of relaxation and unwinding to others, especially if you’re under a warm and steamy shower. However, long hot showers clear the moisture and protective oils away from our skin and turn it to a dry and dull skin. To prevent this, limit your hot shower time to 10 minutes (or less) then keep the water relatively cool.


4. Keep your skin protected from the sun

Since most of us are always on-the-go, we should not let our skin be exposed without sun protection. Be mindful that extreme exposure to the sun may lead to an early visibility of wrinkles, age spots, and other skin problems. Of course, we don’t want that to happen before we hit 40!


5. Do exercise regularly

I can say that this tip is included in almost every list that pertains to wellness and beauty but hey, sweating out is inevitable if you want to live a healthier life. Aside from the benefits that it brings to our blood circulation, doing exercise also intensify the cleansing process of the body. Actually, its effect is seen immediately after working out. Check your face for that instant glow after a 15-minute walk!


6. Apply Toner before working out

In relation to Tip#5, most of us don’t apply toner on our face before working out. But it’s indeed necessary to minimize the oil production on our face before burning those unwanted fats. After your exercise routine, it’s also important to exfoliate and moisturize.


7. Get loads of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important factor in producing collagen in our body. Collagen is known for keeping our skin supple and youthful. You have different options in maintaining your body nourished with Vitamin C but I highly suggest fruits like oranges (or orange juice), kiwi fruit and guava. I believe it’s the easiest (and yummiest) way of taking in Vitamin C, right?


8. Sleep well

Beauty sleep shouldn’t just happen on special occasions but it should every night, girl! When you sleep, your body is rejuvenating itself, including your skin cells, after your daily grind of work. If you refuse yourself from sleeping at least 7 hours every night, your body will feel tired and your skin will feel the same too — eyebags, saggy skin, wrinkles and more! So don’t wait for it to happen. Sleep more!


Here’s a video from RachhLoves and discover some anti-aging foods to make your skin youthful and glowing:

Keeping your skin as youthful as you want doesn’t happen overnight. But if you put your heart and mind into it, it’s always possible to turn your glowing skin goals into reality. After all, you’ll also be the one who’ll benefit from your efforts in the long run, so why not try it!

Click here for a list of multitasking beauty products you can try now!

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