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Celebrity Yoga Teachers You Should Meet

Who do you look up to when it comes to yoga? Today meet 10 of the influential celebrity yoga teachers. Learn how they make the practice of yoga a lot better.

One of the best pieces of advice I received came from my mom. She used to tell me when I was a kid to always search for good people and make them my examples as I work toward achieving my dream. Much of what I learned and am learning in yoga is from my mentors. Some of them have trained me personally while others have influenced me greatly from afar. Today I want to share with you some of these celebrity yoga teachers who continue to inspire me to be great in what I do. It is my hope you’ll also gain something positive from them, which will push you to do more yoga.

Celebrity Yoga Teachers You Should Meet

10 Inspiring Yogis Who Make Yoga A Lot Better For Everyone

Please note this list is exhaustive. There are A LOT of celebrity yoga teachers out there , but I want to begin with them. Hopefully, in the future, I can update this list.


1. Bikram Choudhury

I’ve already written quite a few articles about Bikram yoga, one of the most popular hot yoga types. This man is the founder. His deep love for yoga began as early as 4 years old! However, it was his weightlifting accident and the subsequent grim prognosis that showed yoga can also have curative effects. He wishes to share the similar health benefits through Bikram yoga.

Where to Find Him: Visit his website for his training schedule.

Check out Celebrity Yoga Teachers You Should Meet at

2. Eddie Stern

Eddie Stern was trained in Mysore, India, by none other than Pattabhi Jois, who is the master of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. This is incredible since this style of yoga is one of the hardest and requires a lot of patience and discipline. Students are meant to follow a particular yoga sequence on their own, although they cannot proceed to the next movements unless they’ve mastered the previous ones. So, definitely, hats off to Eddie!

Where To Find Him: He runs a school in New York.


3. Lindsay Istace

The red hair should already be a dead giveaway that Lindsay Istace isn’t your typical yoga teacher. In fact, she founded rage yoga, which promotes self-expression and fewer restrictions including being allowed to drink beer in between asanas.

Where To Find Her: She has classes in many parts of Canada.

4. Sri Dharma Mittra

Do you want to know how amazing this man is? He has more than 1,000 photographs of himself doing a variety of yoga postures! More than 900 of them eventually comprised the yoga chart. His one of the pioneers of yogic teaching in the United States and has been practicing yoga for half a century.

Where To Find Him: Like Dharma Yoga Center’s Facebook to receive news and updates about him and his classes.


5. Patricia Walden

Search for yoga DVDs, and more likely, you’ll come across a couple with Patricia Walden in it. She’s a prolific yoga teacher who’s one of the very few people in the country to have mastered the Iyengar style of yoga by heart. At 62, she should also be an inspiration for a lot of older women who often think yoga isn’t safe for people their age.

Where To Find Her: She has plenty of scheduled workshops around the country.


6. Jason Crandell

What I really like about Jason Crandell is how he makes yoga more relatable to a lot of people, especially beginners. His website alone is peppered with different types of materials and readings that showcase his deep knowledge of Vinyasa and his innovative techniques to make this style of yoga useful for everyone.

Where To Find Him: He’s off to Maui from October 18 to 24.


7. Jessamyn Stanley

Do you need a little boost of confidence when doing yoga? All you need to do is to check out her Instagram to find out yoga is for everyone even for those who are not lean. She definitely deserves to be a body positive advocate!

Where to Find Her: She’s active in social media, especially on Instagram. She’s also based in Durham, North Carolina.

8. Baron Baptiste

When you have parents who are active yoga teachers, it wouldn’t be surprising if you also become one. Such is the life of Baron Baptiste, who’s actually trained in a wide variety of yoga styles. However, he’s more famous for his proprietary Baptiste yoga, a kind of hot power Vinyasa yoga. Not only that, he’s trained NFL guys!

Where To Find Him: Know where he’s speaking or training through his website.


9. Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig is one of the celebrity yoga teachers who promote a more balanced approach to health – that is, yoga and even other forms of exercises should be paired with a good diet (just go to Google and search for some of her delicious recipes). When she’s not on the mat, she’s in the sky as a certified skydiver. To top it all off, she’s such a huge animal lover and has used yoga to support animal shelters. Such a lovely woman!

Where To Find Her: She has a series of yoga engagements this September.

10. Kino MacGregor

Mention Kino to other yoga teachers, and most probably, they know her. She’s one of the celebrated yoga instructors in the world, but that’s not surprising when she’s also sharing her practice with everyone who cares to learn. She also tries to change the yoga landscape by making it more accessible through social media.

Where To Find Her: She’s practically everywhere! Check out her schedule.


If you can’t make it to any of her classes, then try Kino’s beginner’s yoga tutorial in BeFit Channel:

With these celebrity yoga teachers, I find the practice more endearing, inspiring, and influential. Do you feel the same way too? I hope so.


Do you have other celebrity yoga teachers in mind? Let me know in the Comments section. Don’t forget to read my list of inspiring yoga personalities in Instagram


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