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David Bowie: A Retrospective

Taking a look back at the career and life of a man who redefined music, art, pop culture, and gender roles. 

On Sunday, January 10th, David Bowie passed away from complications with cancer. He had turned 69 years old only two days earlier.

Throughout his 40+ eclectic career, David Bowie merged art and rock together, blurred gender roles with increasingly androgynous looks, and redefined the world of glam/art/hard rock with his vocal range, subjects of alienation and acceptance, and melodies.

One of Bowie’s biggest, most defining contributions was paving the path for artists and allowing them to meld the fantastical world of art and artifice with the real and emotional. While he took on various personas, David Bowie never strayed away from being wholly himself and constantly pushed the envelope.

This wonderful obituary written by the New York Times highlights his ever-changing career, battles with drug addiction, theatrical contributions, and personal life in a beautiful spectrum of muted and vibrant colors that reflects the chameleon-like nature of Bowie himself.

David Bowie, the Legendary Musician, Has Died at 69

While Bowie may be physically gone, we are honored to have been graced with his presence and art while here on Earth. His influence will impact generations of artists for years to come.

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