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10 Online Shopping Sites That Make Shopping In Sweats OK

The disorganized clothing racks, the sea of customers, the pushy sales associates, and the poorly-lit fitting rooms are all ingredients for a shopping disaster. This is why more people (myself included) are flocking to online shopping sites for a better, easier, people-free experience. Whether you’re an introvert or looking to comfortably spend your money at home, these online stores have your fashion needs covered. 

10 Online Shopping Sites That Make Shopping In Sweats OK

Online shopping has been huge for the past decade; and, with the advent of the smartphone, has blown up to make shopping anywhere, anytime, possible. There’s no doubt that nowadays, more people turn to online shopping than brick-and-mortar stores because, honestly, who wants to deal with people, sales associates, and deodorant marks on the only size that fits you of the shirt you’ve been wanting for months? We’re not about that life and neither are you, so avoid the hassle and heartbreak and shop online instead!

Whether you’re an introvert who cringes at the thought of having to hold a conversation while checking out or just looking to get your shop on without having to make a production out of it (sweatpants? no makeup? messy bun? No problem!), these online shopping sites are ones we’ve shopped from and continue to return to over and over again. The sites below were chosen for their selection, shipping, and most importantly, customer service!

How does that saying go? Oh, right: Once you online shop, you never go back. …something along those lines.


1. H&M, Forever 21 and Zara

These three brands are a hit with women and men alike. Their retail stores may be crowded, but when you shop online you’ve got the whole store to yourself.

2. Koshka

We love Anthropologie, but if you’re looking for something cheaper, more urban, and just as stylish, Koshka is your go-to. While their online shop is littered with cute dresses, shoes, and accessories, it’s their Sock Boutique that’ll bring you back for more.


ASOS is another huge online shopping site because it has literally every trending article of clothing and then some. ASOS stands for As Seen on Stars, so you know you’re going to find some celeb-worthy pieces here.

4. Black Lamb

If you’re fond of Madewell, you’ll love Black Lamb. This store features pieces from up-and-coming designers which means first dibs for you!

5. Modern Citizen

Modern Citizen is quite similar to Zara in terms of product style offering. But, unlike Zara, you can also shop for your home at Modern Citizen! Move over, H&M; there’s a new beau in town.

Subscription Boxes

Because we all like to be surprised from time to time, why not enroll in monthly subscription boxes? With these boxes, you can choose your style, pieces you like, and brands you frequently shop in order to customize your box as closely to your preferences as possible. Some boxes will let you choose what you receive so yes, while the mystery is gone, at least you know what to expect.

Below are the most popular subscription sites to join.

1. Adidas Avenue A

Do you love Adidas? I know I do, which is why subscribing to Adidas Avenue A is a no-brainer for me. Adidas features different box curators every season, which is an exciting take on the box subscription. Aside from shoes, you’ll receive other fun freebies too!

2. RX Vintage

It’s like a thrift shop without the funky smell and layers of dust! RX Vintage compiles recycled one-of-a-kind, vintage pieces and ships them to you every month! They do have a take or return all policy, but that’s only because they want you to pay it forward to someone else. Since vintage shopping can be an all day thing, this is the perfect alternative for those who either don’t have the time or don’t have access to vintage shops in their area.

If you prefer to thrift shop in person, check out our guide on How to Thrift Shop Like a Pro.

3. Fabletics

Kate Hudson’s Fabletics want you to enjoy shopping for athletic wear. We all know that shopping for athletic wear can not only be awkward, but downright uncomfortable as we try to squeeze ourselves into those nylon pants in a fitting room that’s the size of the closet Harry Potter lived in before going to Hogwarts. Fortunately, Fabletics subscription boxes make looking for cute, comfortable athletic wear easier than the workouts you’ll be doing in said athletic wear.

4. Me Undies

Me Undies is a gift from the gods. Imagine shopping for ultra comfy undies in just your undies! Become a member and get those subscription boxes shipping because really, who was the time to underwear shop in malls anymore? Certainly not me. Plus, you can also surprise your beau with some cute undies too. You know what they say: the couple that matches underwear together, stays together.

5. Shoe Dazzle

For those who could never have too many shoes, ShoeDazzle is here to tell you: you’re absolutely right. Instead of walking to your shoes, why not have your shoes walk to you? Metaphorically-speaking, of course. A ShoeDazzle subscription means a new pair of shoes every month, so go ahead, shoe-lovers, and indulge.

Let’s throw a shout-out to online shopping and it making our voluntary solitude possible! Thanks to these online shopping sites, we’ll never have to leave our house again!

What’s your favorite place to shop online? What’s your favorite subscription box? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook!

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