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The Lovers Card | Tarot Cards Meaning

Last time, we shared the meaning of the  Magician Tarot Card, so we decided to divvy up with you another tarot card today!  In this article you’ll get a line about The Lovers Tarot card and its interpretations.  Keep reading and determine what is behind the Lovers Card.

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The Lovers Card

The Lovers card is not just about love and sexuality; it has several meanings which are all related to the duality expressed in the image of the card. The image of the two lovers holding hands or intertwined is a powerful symbol for the harmonious union of two beings. It also stands for the necessity of proper choice, and concepts about the relationship of our conscious minds.

The sign associated with the Lovers is Gemini. The two figures in the Lovers card are blessed and protected by the angel in the clouds above them. Angels, in general, represent the refinement of earthly desires.

This angel, in particular, is Raphael, the angel of Air. One of the associations of Air is communication, necessary for a healthy relationship. “The purple cloak on the angel represents royalty, a symbol of how important communication is. The sun shines brightly over the couple, bringing warmth and security. The earth at their feet is green and fertile and suggests life and happiness.”

The snake in the fruit-laden tree behind the woman suggests the story of Adam and Eve, the fall of humanity from grace, and the temptations of the world. There are twelve flames, representing the twelve zodiac signs, the symbol of time and eternity.

The man looks to the woman, who looks to the angel, indicating the path of the conscious to the subconscious to the super-conscious, or from physical desire to emotional needs to spiritual concerns. The mountain is a phallic symbol, while the water is a feminine symbol, indicating a balance between the two.

Finally, this card carries the meaning of choice, usually on the moral or ethical plane. The most familiar instance of such a choice, sadly, is the choice between your spouse and someone else with whom you have fallen in love. Alternatively, it could be between two possible partners, both of whom you love, but only one of whom would be best for you. Look inside, and turn to your unconscious for inspiration.

Were you fascinated how this love tarot speaks when you see it on your tarot reading? Well, I am! I was scared and filled with excitement on reading Love Tarot meaning. Did you like this blog? Let us know your thoughts in the comment box below or join our discussion on our Facebook group. Please don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter. Thanks for reading and see you on our next Horoscope Day update!



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