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21 Ways To Nourish Your Body And Elevate Your Mind

Do you feel as if your life is in a rut? Rejuvenate yourself. Here are 21 ways to nourish your body and mind.

Life isn’t perfect. I also have my own share of trouble and sadness. A couple of days ago, for example, I had a hard time with one of my classes. A number of times I forgot the poses for my middle sequence, and in the last part, I was so out of breath I had to hurry the session up. Three new students were pretty harsh in letting me know they didn’t like it. But life is also a journey that gives us a lot of opportunities to do and be better. You can do that by learning the different ways to nourish your body and mind.

21 Ways To Nourish Your Body And Elevate Your Mind

Steps To A More Fulfilling, Meaningful, and Enriched Life

Life is given to us to cherish, respect, and enjoy. However, we’ll encounter many problems and heartaches as we meet people, but that shouldn’t stop us from living a meaningful life.

How do you make the most of the one life you’re given? Let me share these tips:


1. Meditate

Meditation | Ways to Nourish Your Body and Elevate Your Mind
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Study after study has expressed the many benefits of meditation, including improving one’s mood, enhancing creativity, and discovering more about oneself. The great thing is you need only 10 minutes of each day to do it.


2. Do yoga

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Yoga Form exists for this reason. I spend time sharing with you whatever I can about yoga because it’s good for both the mind and the body. It increases strength and flexibility, promotes self-awareness, and incorporates other “health enhancers” like breathing and meditation.


3. Express gratitude

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In a 2012 study, those who expressed gratitude more often were less likely to feel body aches. Others also point out how saying thank you can improve your sleeping patterns, reduce feelings of aggression, and foster relationships. And it doesn’t take any effort to say it!


4. Volunteer

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Volunteering pushes you to become more physically active, helps you learn new skills and improve existing ones, lets you gain new friends, and, most of all, allows you to see YOU can make a difference in this world.


5. Travel

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One of my greatest joys is traveling, and it’s not only because I get to see the world. I learn about other people’s cultures too and begin to appreciate diversity, self-expression, and creativity. From it, I became less judgmental and more accepting.


6. Shop at the local farmer’s market

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If you don’t have time to volunteer, then you can help your community by supporting local businesses like your very own farmers. As a bonus, you can buy some of the freshest, healthiest ingredients at very affordable prices and get in touch with your neighbors.


7. Grow your own garden

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Gardening forces you to get your much-needed vitamin D, exercise by doing a physical activity, and even food for the table.


8. Get enough sleep

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How important is sleep? It’s how the body recovers from all the activities it did for the entire day! On the other hand, people who get very little sleep are at a higher risk of metabolic conditions including diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. Yikes!


9. Walk

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When I am not doing yoga, I walk. I walk to my children’s school, to the market, to my friend’s house – anytime I get the chance. Walking is the easiest and cheapest way to burn those calories without feeling as if you’re exercising. You’ll also be surprised at the many things you can discover along your path.


10. Reach out

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Plan your dates with friends and family or take the time to see them as often as you can. Staying connected promotes better mental and emotional health. In fact, it’s one of the keys to long-lasting happiness.


11. Detox from the Internet

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While social media is beneficial, it can also be a source of a variety of problems including self-image issues, insecurity, jealousy, and hate. In other words, it can be very toxic. Staying away from any form of digital connection  for at least for 24 hours can help you calm the mind and focus on the things that really matter.


12. Eat green and clean

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Those additives, preservatives, and lots of sodium and sugar in a typical Western diet may enhance flavor but not your body. Therefore, one of the best ways to nourish your body and mind is to eat healthy and clean food. Whenever you can, buy organic. If it’s too expensive, grow your own food. You can also shop at the local farmer’s market. You can check out this amazing recipe for healthy vegan lunch.


13. Read

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As they say, reading feeds the soul. It improves your imagination and creativity, relaxes the mind, provides additional learning, gives you a broader perspective on the world and life, and entertains you.


14. Drink tea

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Tea has enough caffeine to make you feel energized without palpitations. You are also less likely to experience a crash, which happens when the effects of coffee’s caffeine have worn off. Most of all, tea, especially green tea, is packed with antioxidants to help keep you healthy.


15. Never stop learning

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I sincerely believe the moment you stop learning is the time when you lose your purpose in life. When you lose your sense of meaning, you can easily lose the will to live.


16. Laugh

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Do you know laughing can lower your stress hormones and thereby improve your immunity? So go and laugh even when you don’t feel like it.


17. Grow from experiences

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While not all experiences are good, they remain to be lessons to be learned to help you become a way better person. And who doesn’t want to be better, right?


18. Share knowledge

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When you share knowledge, you gain more than new information. You also build relationships or friendships, make better decisions, become more social, and feel a lot better about yourself. After all, you’ve helped someone learn.


19. Breathe

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It’s interesting to realize that even if breathing is practically second nature to us, we hardly pay attention to it, including its benefits! But it’s one of the most beautiful ways to nourish your body as it reduces your anxiety, manages depression, enhances sleep, and controls cravings. To maximize its benefits, combine it with yoga and meditation.


20. Be passionate

image via bettermanblueprint

How important is passion in one’s life? It serves as your fuel when the going gets tough, helps retain your sense of optimism, and prevents challenges from stealing your joy. From passion, you can also discover your life’s purpose and meaning.


21. Love

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Love with all your heart and with a deep sense of honesty and sincerity. Love yourself, the people who care about you, the things you do, your partner. Just . . . love.


One of the ways to nourish your body is to get enough sleep. But what if you’re having a hard time doing it? Then try yoga Nidra for sleep from Yoga Nidra Guide:

Make your life count. Enjoy a fulfilling, happy life with these different ways to nourish your body and mind.


Do you have your own ways to nourish your body? Let me know by sharing them in the Comments section! Enrich your life more too by learning about karma yoga


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