Cute Outfits

10 Valuable Winter Storage Ideas You Need On Chilly Days

It’s time to reclaim your winter storage space! We’ve got some awesome DIY winter storage ideas to minimize your clutter and maximize your space. Check them out!

Winter Storage Ideas To Up Your Organization Game

— This post is courtesy of and shared with permission —

Organizing clutter and evaluating our storage strategy is a constant—we are always adapting to our ever-changing lifestyles and schedules, like the demands of a new school year or the crazy tumult of the holidays. Winter is just another time for us to take stock of how our household reacts to the season of bulky winter coats, wet and dirty boots, and errant mittens taking over the whole house. Luckily, we are always up to the challenge of finding the best way to store and keep our winter clothing, lest we get overrun! Here are some great ideas I’ve found. I hope they inspire you to tackle your winter storage dilemma—I know I’m ready to rock the season!

Check out 10 Valuable Winter Storage Ideas You Need On Chilly Days at

1. Boot Storage In Built In Bench

There’s always another way to maximize your mudroom! Take your cue from this one and see how you can fit your winter shoes into the space beneath the built-in bench. It’s a no-brainer and a breeze to recreate.

2. Clear Plastic Shoe Organizer

Yet another reason why you need to stock up on a clear plastic shoe organizer. These little pockets are everything! Hung up inside a cabinet door or in your mudroom, you and your family can easily stash away scarves, hats, and gloves while still keeping them visible.

3. DIY Coat Rack

How cute is this? But it’s also pretty useful—clip up your mittens and scarves and hang the whole rack near the door, so everything you need is a grab away as you head out the door on cold mornings.

4. DIY Under The Bed Organizer

Try mounting old drawers on casters to store all your sweaters and winter coats. This way, they’re rolled away and out of sight beneath your bed, but ready to be thrown on once the air starts getting crisp and chilly.

5. Drip Tray For Shoes

If there’s one thing I hate, it’s melted snow and mud getting tracked all over my clean kitchen floor! Avoid the hassle with this pretty and functional DIY drip tray. It’s so easy to make you’ll probably end up making one for each member of the family (now there’s an idea—why not personalize it?)

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Aren’t all of these winter storage ideas so easily DIY-able? I hope these hacks help you keep your cool despite the stress and mess of the cold weather season! There’s no reason to dread the dreary weather because you have all the clutter under control.


Which winter storage idea do you need in your home right now? Let me know in the comment section below.


If you liked this post, I’m sure you’ll enjoy 8 Tips To Caring For Your Winter Clothes. Stay warm!


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