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Yoga Ball Chair | Do Yoga While Working

Do you spend countless hours on your seat? Exercise your body with these super-easy yoga moves you can do with a yoga ball chair.

Hey, there! Do you notice something different on our blog? Yep, we’ve grown! I am so lucky I am able to partner with amazing people so we can come up with a go-to site related to health, mind, relationships, and anything that can enrich your life. I am still going to write yoga for you, guys. That’s why for today I will be talking about exercising in your workplace using yoga ball chair.

Yoga Ball Chair | Do Yoga While Working

7 Easy Yoga Poses You Can Do In Your Office

A lot of us spend too much time sitting. Get this: we work for about 6 to 8 hours, glued to our workstations. We spend at least 2 hours commuting on the subway or in our car then watch television for around 2 to 4 hours. That’s basically a half day’s worth of sitting! Serious health issues aside, excessive sitting can cause physical stress in many different parts of the body. You can be so stressed you end up not being, well, the best company of your colleagues.

The good news is you can beat the stress using a handy tool called a yoga ball chair.

A yoga ball chair is available in different designs, but this is the most common. As you can see, this chair has a hole where you can fit a yoga ball snugly. Yoga balls, on the other hand, have a lot of awesome benefits including improving balance, providing good body support, and enhancing posture. The last one is important because you feel the tension in your body more quickly and severely when you’re slouching.

With your yoga ball chair, you can do the following exercises. Take note these images show regular chairs. You can just substitute them a yoga ball chair, and you still get the same health benefits.


1. Eagle Arms Pose

Eagle Arms Pose is great to improve blood circulation over your body, promote better focus, and encourage good balance. It also stretches the space in between your shoulder blades as well as work your joints on the wrists, which can get weary due to hours of working the keyboard.

Check out Yoga Ball Chair | Do Yoga While Working at

2. Forward Bend Pose

This yoga pose is the best one for your back, especially your lumbar spine (or the lower region of the back) since it gives it a very nice, gentle, soothing stretch. When you want to work more parts of your body, bring your arms to the front, fold them together, and rock your body as if you’re swinging a baby.


3. Downward Facing Dog Pose

Sitting wears out not only the shoulders and neck but also your legs. Even if you feel like you’re not doing anything, your lower body still carries a lot of your weight. Besides, too much sitting can lead to poor blood circulation. To take care of these issues, do the Downward-Facing Dog Pose using the chair as your prop. It exercises the legs, stretches the shoulders and the back, and increases your flexibility.

4. Twist Pose

This is probably the easiest among the yoga poses on the list–so easy, in fact, it’s a great exercise to do for people with joint conditions like arthritis. The move is simple, but it works out many different parts of the body such as the hips, neck, and shoulders. The best way is to do this is to stretch as much as you can either on the left or on the right. You can also try to combine this with backward and forward bends.

5. Reverse Warrior Pose

You can stretch many muscle groups in the body all at once with Reverse Warrior Pose, and you don’t even have to leave your chair! This yoga ball chair exercise can increase the flexibility of your rigid shoulders, back, and hips, as well as improve the muscles in your groin, legs, and thighs.


6.  Cat-Cow Pose

Alternating a Cat-Cow Pose is a great way to relieve stress, stretch the back and spine, improve posture, and even stimulate the production of your hormones in adrenal glands. In case you don’t know, adrenals produce cortisol, which plays an incredibly huge role in managing stress.

7. Reverse Prayer Pose

Do you feel pain in your shoulders and chest? Then do the Reverse Prayer Pose. It is one of the effective yoga ball chair exercises to do for your upper torso, particularly the thoracic (or upper back) region, chest, and shoulders.


If you’re still trying to figure out how to incorporate a yoga ball chair into your work life, then here are great tips from Better Beyond 50 (bonus: learn why you should ditch your regular desk chair now):

Using a yoga ball chair may take some getting used to. To help you deal with the learning curve, just think it’s a whole new experience, an excellent way to take care of your body and mind even when you’re facing a mountain of work.

What do you think of these yoga ball chair postures? Share your thoughts in the Comments section. Don’t forget to read these great tips on how to relax with yoga


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Featured image via home-decor-hub

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