The holiday is almost upon us and before you know it, you’re decorating your Christmas Tree and chiming in “Jingle Bells” in every block and in every household. This can only mean one thing — it’s time to do those Christmas decorations!
Apart from the presents, the parties and get-togethers, one of the most special things about Christmas is setting up your Christmas tree and decorating it to your heart’s content. A home’s Christmas tree encapsulates the Christmas spirit, thus, it is important to get the Christmas tree decorations right. I know, shopping for decors can really be challenging since there’s so much to choose from! But hopefully, with these ideas, it can help narrow down your choices.
The Perfect Christmas Tree For Your Winter Wonderland
There are so many choices when it comes to Christmas tree colors and it’s really tough to single one out. Are you someone who prefers bright colors? Are you for gold and silver? Are you always in love with blue Christmas tree decors? Or what about something more modern, like an Ombre Christmas tree?
If you’re scratching your head trying to think of how you should decorate your tree, these home decor-spirations will point you down the right path.
1. White Christmas Tree
White is always a great theme because it is the color of snow, a symbol that winter has arrived. It’s relaxing and exhilarating to look at. You can add any white element and decor piece you wish, but it is bst to keep the theme predominantly white. The pine cones and the white balls makes for a great decor combo!
2. Blue Christmas Tree
For those who want to skip the traditional Christmas tree decor, a blue theme is one to consider. A winter Christmas is likened to a blue Christmas, which is why some people like decorating their tree with blue ornaments and lights. A blue tree is refreshing to see and if mixed with some silver and turquoise, it looks splendid!
3. Red & Gold Christmas Tree
Probably one of the most classic Christmas tree themes is red and gold. It can’t get more traditional than this. But despite being the most used theme, we still love its timeliness and elegance. Red and gold work really well together, but it won’t harm you to add some touches of white in there too (if you want).
4. Gold and Silver Christmas Tree
Now if you’re someone who just wants to have a glamorous tree, go for a gold and silver theme. Gold is also a favorite among many because it’s easy to do. You simply look for whatever gold ornament you can find and stuff the tree with it. Gold looks great with silver so there’s no need to put a huge effort into the decor. They just complement each other beautifully and instantly!
5. Peppermint Christmas Tree
If you’re looking for something more fun and playful this year, maybe this peppermint and candy cane decor will inspire you. It’s cute, it’s sweet and definitely refreshing to the eyes too. It can also pass for a red and white theme which other people are fond of. Nonetheless, just make sure to tell the kids that those candy canes aren’t meant for eating. Haha.
6. Black and White Christmas Tree
To other people, skipping the traditional Christmas tree decorations is a must this year. It’s just time for a change, don’t you think? One of the new themes I can suggest is doing a black and white Christmas tree. Finding white decor can be easy but if you’re having a hard time with black tree decor, opt for black-themed ribbons instead. Also, adding some silver in there won’t hurt!
7. Purple Christmas Tree
One of the Christmas tree decors that I’ve always wanted to do is purple. It’s unique and if done right, looks really beautiful! There are actually purple trees sold out there, but I prefer a good ol’ green tree decorated with purple ornaments. The combination of the green and purple is lovely.
8. Books Christmas Tree
So you’re a bookworm, I get it! Instead of keeping those books on the shelves, put them to good use this Christmas time. Just stack them up and wrap a Christmas light of your choice around it. Now, you have your own Book Christmas tree without spending anything at all! Quite genius right?
9. Disney Christmas Tree
You love it. The kids love it. There’s no reason why Mickey Mouse and his friends shouldn’t be the main stars of your Christmas tree. This may be a more expensive tree to set up because you’ll need tons of different Disney plush toys. But if you have a lot of them lying around as your collection, this will be a breeze for you.
10. Rustic Christmas Tree
Rustic and country trees don’t have to mean a traditional display. Take this rustic themed tree as an example. It has an unusual shape that adds uniqueness to any simple theme. If you notice, the ornaments used are simple–stars, snowflakes and hearts… and yet, the tree looked so intricately designed!
11. Modern Christmas Tree
Want a modern twist to your Christmas tree? What about using PVC pipes instead of the real tree? Yep! That tree is made out of pipes, which can be hard to imagine, but it is the real deal and you can do it yourself too! Ain’t that creative and pretty?
12. Ombre Christmas Tree
Ah! My favorite Christmas tree decor in this bunch. Seriously, ombre Christmas trees are the bomb! Every household should have this. And mind you, you’re not bound to black and white ombre, you can do that with your favorite color too–pink, purple, blue–up to you!
13. Colorful Christmas Tree
Christmas may be all about red, green and white, but honey, life is always meant to be coloful! Let’s mix all the colors together and have a vibrant and bubbly Christmas tree this year. Get a white Christmas tree and decorate it with different colors. It’s hard not to fall in love with this theme even if it’s far from the traditional tree ideas you’re used to doing.
14. Burlap and Plaid Christmas Tree
Want another unique idea for Christmas tree decorations? I’ve got the perfect one! This Burlap and Plaid Christmas tree is unlike any other you’ve seen. Not many have thought about doing this…but now, hopefully, many more people will see how good burlap and plaid looks good together!
Want to save on spending on Christmas decors? Here are great DIY decor ideas from Olip Beauty:
WOW! Just looking at these Christmas tree photos makes me all the more excited for the holidays so I can decorate my own tree! I’m thinking of going ombre this year (if I can pull it off). What about you ladies, what’s your favorite theme yet? Have fun doing your Christmas tree decorations!
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Featured Image via Jarosky
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