Cute Outfits

How to Really Find Your Purpose In Life

As we get old, we can’t help but find our life’s purpose. Are we on the right track? Is this what I’m meant to be doing? If your mind is full of questions about your existence, let this article be your guide in answering them one at a time.

Our parents got it all figured out. They have a stable job, a family, and things they left behind to remember them by. That’s not all the same for us, especially when we’re at the age of struggle, confusion, and trying everything we can get our hands on. We need a focus, a life plan, and most importantly, a purpose.

What You Need To Think About When Finding Your Purpose In Life

Finding your purpose in life is a bit deep. Your purpose is different from your career path, your plans with your future husband, and your religion. However, it includes all those things. Think of all the things I mentioned. Now think of why you’re doing that. Think deeper — that’s your purpose.

Searching for your purpose is a hard soul searching process. But what do you need to ask yourself when thinking of these purpose-related answers? Let this article help you on which questions to ask yourself to know your purpose better.


Who Are the People that I Truly Admire?

Who Are the People that I Truly Admire? | What You Need To Think About When Finding Your Purpose In Life

Knowing your purpose means you have a strong sense of self. But in reality, not everyone has figured out who they really are. In fact, it takes a few decades to know who you really are as a person. Start with the people you admire. Those who aren’t just your celebrity idols. Think of those that actually made a great deal in this world and you want to emanate their aura. Chances are, you might also want to be just like them — do what they want to do and why they want to do them.


Which Moments in My Life Am I Truly Proud of and Why?

Think way back to your years in grade school and high school, which of the things you did back then are you truly proud of? The type that you would include your resume (if you had a chance) or the type that you would tell you grandkids over and over. Gauge it from those moments because those stories of your will determine the reason why you were proud you’ve accomplished. The reason is closely linked to your purpose.


What Do I Want to Improve in Humanity?

Instead of asking what you want to do for a living, ask yourself what you want to fix in the world. Do you want to help save lives? Create designs that improve learning? Do want people to be happier? That will mostly answer what you actually want to do it and why — that is your purpose.


From here on, it’s entirely up to you to decide what your greater purpose in life is. Bottomline: it has to be for the greater good.


Know more about the beauty of your true self. Click here.


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