Cute Outfits

11 High Heel Hacks That Will Make You Feel Fabulous Without Hurting

High heels are fabulous, right? It feels amazing when you wear one. Like you are a towering embodiment of self-confidence bound to rule. That’s how I see it. The only problem is, it hurts your feet. So, to alleviate that burden from your shoulders, here are awesome high heels hacks that will help you tremendously.

11 High Heels Hacks That Will Make You Feel Fabulous Without Hurting

Those Heels Won’t Be Hurting You Anymore


High heel shoes are very common footwear for women. We wear it at work, in school, when we’re hanging out with friends, and basically everywhere. Sure, sneakers and flats are comfy but high heels just give us that much-needed confidence to do what we have to do. Admit it, wearing them sometimes cause pain and blisters and no woman is immune to that. It’s good that there are hacks we can do to lessen the pain. Are you ready? Here they are.


1. Cushions and Insoles

 1. Cushions and insoles. | 11 High Heel Hacks That Will Make You Feel Fabulous Without Hurting
Image via asia

Cushions and insoles do a lot in helping reduce pain when wearing heels. They help relieve the pressure exerted to your toes. Needless to say, they are a must-have if you don’t want to be limping by the end of the day.


2. Feet Deodorants

Feet deodorants or any deodorant for that matter helps. You see, when your feet starts sweating, bad things can happen. The straps slip off, the moist in your feet feels uncomfortable and worst of all, it smells. A simple hack that can solve that is by spraying deodorant at your feet before wearing the shoes. Your feet won’t sweat anymore.

3. Tape ’em

Tape your third and fourth toes. It may sound weird but if you try this you will notice that it reduces the pressure on the ball of your foot. Go ahead, try it and see for yourself.


4. Heel Caps

Image via tc-for-shoes

Your shoes’ heels have caps for a reason. It is very important so that you will not slip while walking. Needless to say, if they are worn out already you need to replace them with new ones. Believe me, it’s much less of a hassle than tending a broken bone because you slipped.


5. Wear the Right Size

As much as possible, buy your shoes in an actual shop. I know online shopping is much easier but you should be certain that the fit is perfect. Wearing shoes that are not your right size causes a lot of pain and in the long term, serious damage that can only be corrected by surgery. Yes, surgery!


 6. Freeze

Another weird hack that you might not know is that you can stretch your newly bought shoes by putting them in the freezer overnight. But don’t forget to fill plastic baggies with water first and then put them inside the shoes.


 7. Or Blow-dry

Or instead of freezing them, do the opposite by exposing them to the heat of a blow dryer. In this hack, you should put thick socks and then wear the shoes. After this, blow dry your feet and the heat will expand the shoes. What a way to free your pinched toes, right?


8. Walk Properly

To feel comfortable in wearing heels, you should know how to walk properly. Try walking from heel to toe. Landing your heels first lessens the chances of you tripping. Tripping is painful and very embarrassing, so walk properly.


9. Sand Papers

Newly bought shoes may not have a lot of traction. Fix this by using sand paper to roughen its soles. By doing this, you can improve the grip but do it gently, you don’t want to ruin them.


10. Lip Balm for Blisters

Blisters are bad news. It hurts and you may as well say goodbye to wearing heels for the time being.  A useful tip is you can rub lip balm on the back of your heels. This will keep blisters away so can strut all the way.


11. Take a Break

As I said, we love wearing heels but take a break once in a while. Do this gradually. Don’t wear heels for three straight days and then wear flats the next day. Wear your heels from the highest one and then reducing the height as time passes by. This will help your feet adjust properly.


Watch the video below to learn more high heels hacks:


With these hacks, you can be sure that you can wear your heels in comfort. The days of limping and hobbling are gone and you can walk with confidence and vigor. Remember, looking good and feeling good comes together. Not one or the other.


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