Nothing can replace a woman’s love for makeup, and especially lipstick! If you wish to know what lip shade is totally right for you, then here’s the article you’re sure to love!
We’ve Got The Perfect Lip Shade For You Based on Your Zodiac Sign
There’s a lot to choose from when it comes to lip shades. You can go from nude to dark, to very bold colors based on your mood, makeup, season or outfit; it’s also important to choose shades that complement your skin tone. If you’re having trouble choosing a lip shade that best suits you, why not look to the stars?
The Daredevil of all the signs, adventurous, charismatic, and courageous. Your symbol, the ram, is lively and confident which makes you a bold person. You are always on point, and on fleek. The stars are telling you to try a bold fuchsia lip shade to bring out that fierce and fearless spirit!
Hard-working and determined, that is what you are, Taurus. Rihanna’s “work,” could even be the song that pops into your head when you’re too focused on your goals. But that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to have fun. You are a working girl who appreciates the finer things in life so this deep burgundy shade is perfect for you!
The versatile Gemini! You likes to have fun with fashion and colors. You like to stand out in a crowd and you’ll certainly do that with this hot pink lip shade. You are a Gemini. It runs through your veins, it’s written in the stars; you can rock this lip shade like no other sign can.
As a Cancer, you are the most protective sign. You always put your loved ones above anything else. Aside from that, you are sensitive and emotional. Just like the crab, once you get hurt you like to recoil in your shell. You aren’t really shy, you just prefer not to be in the limelight. Hence, a Berry lip shade is what you need to keep things a little dark and mysterious.
Leos are natural born leaders who love being in the spotlight. It’s almost like the spotlight is your home. You are the lioness, the queen of the wild. You are the bold, fierce, charismatic, sexy, and irresistible sign. What color best represents that charismatic persona of yours ? This gorgeous Ruby lip shade will make jaws drop!
Aside from being practical and somewhat of a perfectionist, you are also sensible and loyal. You are also solid, creative, and extremely artistic which is why this nude lip shade suits you so well.
I know you’re with me when I say you value balance and harmony. You are smart and beautiful. You are definitely not the pretentious or self-proclaiming type. A soft pink shade is the perfect complement for your personality, it emits beauty and elegance.
Scorpio, you have an unapologetic confidence. You are the great kind of fire; full of passion, mystery, sensuality, and of course, let’s not forget, intensity. As much as you are wild, you definitely like to be in control. Your sign requires something dark and deep like this intense copper lip shade.
You like to spend a lot of time thinking about the universe and all its wonders. You are intellectual and positive. People tend to gravitate towards your positive energy. You are warm, adventurous, and you always pursue excitement. With all these qualities of you, a lip shade that’s both bold and practical like burgundy is all you need in your life.
Majorly driven, hyper-ambitious, reliable, organized, and of course, good-looking, that is who you are! The epitome of class and elegance. You are rigid in your ways and you are undeniably practical. Therefore, you need a lip shade that represents these amazing traits, and what could be better than this beautiful rose gold?
You may be perceived as quirky and different but that’s just fine with you, Aquarius! Never one to jump on the bandwagon; you’re the star that shines the brightest. You are a whip-smart and unique, and like to try new things so why not try this cool blue liquid lipstick!
Pisces are sympathetic and generous,creative and imaginative. You are also dreamy and sweet and loved by many. And when it comes to looking good, you don’t really need that much effort because you are born eye-catching. With your sexy aura, you can lure anyone to you. And so, to keep things natural, a Brown lip shade is what’s best for you.
If you want to know more about your traits so you can discern on another lip shade you want, watch this video by Higgypop:
Lipsticks are every girl’s weapon anytime of the day. Lipsticks are worth the hype and the cha-ching most especially when its shade is to die for! Perfect lip shade to leave everyone in awe.
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