Our motto? Work hard, play hard.
As young professionals, we need to be on top of our game at all times. From showing up to work on time to dressing for success, we need all the tools at our disposal to show our bosses or potential bosses that we mean business. Along with self-confidence and ambition, new additions to your wardrobe and organizational tools can help upgrade your professional status.
Not only will it impress your boss, but these work must-haves will also help you improve professionally and might even improve your relationships with your co-workers. Get a head start on 2016 with these work fashion must-haves for 2016:
A Professional Blazer
Whether you’re looking for a new job or looking to get a promotion, a new blazer is a welcome addition to your work attire. As the saying goes, “dress for the job that you want”, so treat yourself by buying a new black blazer that goes with any professional outfit. However, if you want to mix it up a little bit, we recommend this textured gray jersey blazer that shows off your fashionista side in a professional manner.
If your office advocates more casual attire in the workplace, you can still incorporate a blazer into your work outfits. By choosing more bold colors and patterns rather than the typical neutrals, you can spice up your work attire while remaining professional. ASOS’s floral printed blazer does just that and is the perfect blazer for when spring rolls around.
Calendars & Planners
A great way to stay focused and less stressed out this year is to keep yourself on track and organized. Calendars and planners are perfect for that, especially for work-related projects, because you can plan your work schedule way in advanced. Also, it shows your boss that you’re an organized individual with attention to detail.
PaperSource is the place to go for your calendar needs and their Great Big Calendar will be a great addition to your workspace. Give your desk new life this year by buying a new desk calendar to keep track of all the important events in your life, as well as birthdays. It’s especially helpful if you have important meetings with clients, but also a good reminder when your co-worker is having a birthday coming up.
The Sugar Paper collection at Target offers the best planners for a great price. We recommend getting a planner with the weekly and monthly calendars, so you can always be organized each and every week.
While many of us use our phones now to check the time, it might not be the best habit to have in the workplace. Checking your phone when your boss is looking looks like you’re not interested in working and are more concerned with whether you have a new Facebook notification. Instead, opt for a wristwatch that makes you look professional and is another great addition to your professional wardrobe. We recommend this all rose gold watch by Anne Klein that brings a little bit of femininity to your work outfits while keeping you on schedule for all your meetings.
Pencil Skirt
Almost as essential as a professional blazer, a pencil skirt is a key piece in the workplace wardrobe. It’s a necessary item of clothing that is needed when it hits springtime and will look great for any important meetings or interviews.
Just like blazers, you must always have a black pencil skirt in your wardrobe and it doesn’t hurt to even have a few black pencil skirts at your disposal. Express is the way to go for pencil skirts and their high-waisted midi pencil skirt will give you a professional look, while being fashionable. However, it’s still nice to have bolder colors in your pencil skirts and we love the berry high-waisted skirt from Express. Bringing a little bit of color into your work wardrobe can make you stand out from the endless black and greys (dress code permitting).
Mouse and Keyboard Pads
Let’s face the facts, the majority of employees who work in an office will sit in front of a computer for 8 hours a day (if not more). Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common risk factor among office workers and while it may not seem like a big deal, it will affect you later in life and in more active hobbies, like rock climbing and yoga. Avoid getting Carpal Tunnel now by investing in some mouse and keyboard pads to give your wrists a little bit of a break. Luckily these desk accessories are extremely common and can be found at an extremely affordable price. Belkin’s Gel Wrist Pad is a very comfortable keyboard pad that will help relax your wrists into their natural state. If you use a mouse at work (or at home), then Le Petit Mouse Wrist Cushion is a cute wrist rest. They’re not the sexiest items on the list, but trust us, you won’t regret investing in these accessories.
Desk Organizers
A disorganized desk will certainly keep your workspace and your mind cluttered, so it’s time to give your desk a little spring-cleaning with some new desk organizers. If you find yourself dealing with too many papers on your desk, then it’s time to finally invest in some organizers. SeeJaneWork is the place to go for desk organization; their items blend professionalism and femininity together in perfect harmony. We recommend this aqua collection from SeeJaneWork with their Paper Sorter, Pencil Cup, and Letter Tray. You’ll be organizing your desk, which will help you be more productive and impress your boss.
With these must-haves in tow you’re ready to climb the ladder and reach the pinnacle of your success. Here’s to a fashionable 2016!
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